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  • Post Primary Application Process

    Thu 21 Jan 2021

    Dear Year 7 parents, 

    Last week the Minister of Education asked grammar schools to reconsider their admissions criteria in light of the cancellation of this year’s AQE and GL tests. They are to submit new criteria to the Department of Education by Friday, for publication on the 2 February. Secondary school admissions criteria remain unchanged.

    As yet we have received no substantive information from grammar schools regarding any proposed changes, but assure parents that:

     We will notify you as soon as the new criteria are published. 
     We will support you and your child throughout this transfer process. 

    When grammar schools publish their new criteria on 2 February, you should read through them with a fine-tooth comb. 

    There are three possible routes grammar schools may follow:
    1. Use of non-academic criteria:
    Such criteria may include – having siblings currently enrolled, sibling or parent previously attended, attending the prep, first preference, having registered to sit AQE/GL test, eldest/only child, distance from school, etc. 

    2. Use of academic performance data
    Some schools are considering the use of standardised test scores and AQE/GL practice scores. Such data exists in most, if not all, primary schools, but there are serious concerns about the reliability of this data across all schools.

    We hold data relating to PTE, PTM & CAT4 standardised scores and practice test data from last term. I believe Miss Daly has already provided parents with the children’s standardised scores. Parents have the right to access this data if it is required to support an application. Such academic data will not be requested by non-selective secondary schools.

    If academic data is requested other non-academic criteria may still be applied to help grammar schools determine placements.

    3. Entrance Exams:
    There is a slim possibility that individual grammar schools could set their own entrance tests. However, this would seem unlikely given the limited timeframe and would run contrary to current public health advice. 

    Digital Application Process:

    This year, for the first time, the post-primary application process is to be completed online, which will throw up undoubted challenges. This is true whether children are applying to secondary schools, grammar schools or both. We will be here to help and advise.
    In previous years primary principals met with parents to assist with the completion of the transfer form. This year, before you complete your online application I will be available either via telephone or Zoom to provide advice. More information to follow.

    The application process runs from 1 – 16 March 2021. This provides a window within which your child’s application should be submitted. 

    Please note applications are not accepted on a first-come-first-served basis, so you have time to consider all of your options. 

    Parental guidance concerning the application process will be published on 2 February 2021 on the EA website.

    Charting a way forward:

    Spring term is always one of uncertainty mixed with hope for our Year 7 pupils and parents. Uncertainty and hopes, around AQE and GL scores and future post-primary school placements.  This is true every year for pupils who are taking transfer tests or not. However, this January, events beyond our control have overtaken us and left us all with a sense of bewilderment and confusion. These feelings are perfectly natural. 

    Nevertheless, in this quagmire of uncertainty, we must continue to reassure our children and to reinforce key messages:

    Many things in life are beyond our control. Focusing on these ‘uncontrollables’ feeds anxiety and is always unproductive. This year we do not yet know the precise method by which grammar schools will select children. This is beyond our control and influence. 

    However, we can prepare for things we can’t control. For example, we cannot control the rain but we can prepare by wearing a waterproof etc. We can begin to prepare for a new transfer process.

    I have already written at length about the emotional wellbeing of our children and of the importance of having open, honest and realistic conversations with them. They are like little boats cast adrift on a sea of uncertainty. As adults, we need to take control of the rudder and anchor our children in a safe haven until the storm eases and the way ahead becomes a little clearer. This is not easy but is first-class parenting.

    We must begin to make serious preparations for the next phase in our children’s journey. Things will become clearer.

    Points to consider:

    1. The 2020/21 test is gone; and whilst we acknowledge the children’s disappointment, they/we must move on, because this is beyond their/our control.

    2. The hard work and effort our children have put into preparation for AQE/GL is not in vain and will help them get off to a great start in Yr8.

    3. Grammar schools have been asked to set new criteria. This is beyond their/our control.

    4. We must be patient and wait until 2 February for the new criteria to be officially published. You will then be in a better position to decide upon your preferences. 

    5. Irrespective of which type of school children are applying to, you need a plan a, b, c and d. This is important every year, but even more so this year.

    6. Please don’t let your child set their heart on one particular school; always discuss various options with them. And, parents please don’t set your heart on a particular school either. Can you imagine how crushing it is when a child feels they have let their parents down by not getting into a certain school! 

    7. Attainment is important, of course it is; but it is not all-important! When listing your school choices consider your child's needs, aptitudes, interests and disposition. Find out about the school’s pastoral care, learning support, ethos, after school activities etc. Ask yourself if your child will be happy and thrive in that school environment. 

    8. It is vitally important that pupils who are applying for grammar school places also include secondary school choices on the application. Not all children who apply to grammar schools are accepted.

    9. Criteria are not always fair. It is simply impossible to come up with a set of criteria that in elevating one application do not diminish another. Rage as we might, we cannot change our child’s date of birth or address – these things are beyond our control. 

    10. We understand that they may have a preference for one school over another, but each year, while many children gain admission to their first-choice schools a significant number of pupils do not. This will also be true this year and our children need to be prepared for this possibility.

    11. Schools of all types, grammars included, have always made use of some non-academic criteria to select pupils. (Remember this is how your children were placed in primary and pre-school.)

    12. The same number of post-primary places exists, and all places will be filled.

    13. We have many excellent schools in our area, both secondary and grammar.

    14. The curriculum studied, exams taken, and opportunities offered in secondary and grammar schools are very similar. 

    15. In our area, children who attend both types of post-primary school do exceptionally well in exams and go on to develop the skills, aptitudes, character and values that enable them to live happy and fulfilled lives. 

    I know that this is a particularly difficult time for everyone, and I am not foolish enough to think there is an easy fix, but please be assured that together we will chart a pathway through this debacle. Be calm and reassuring and please do not let your children sense your anxiety.  Our children will enrol in new schools in September and with a will to succeed and unwavering support, they will achieve their full potential. 

    We will get through this; ‘This too shall pass!’

    Kind regards,
    Roy Greer

  • Be Active

    Tue 19 Jan 2021
    Be physically active over lockdown. Click here for some ideas
  • A Message from Julia Courtney

    Sun 17 Jan 2021
    Click here for a message from Julia Courtney, Respiratory Consultant at the Ulster Hospital who has been caring for Covid-19 patients since March 2020 Please stay at home and follow the public health guidance #InItTogether
  • Supervision of Children of Keyworkers

    Thu 14 Jan 2021

    Supervision of children of Key Workers - Week commencing Monday 18th January. Please click here to apply for an In School Supervision place

  • AQE Test Cancelled

    Wed 13 Jan 2021


    This afternoon AQE Ltd. announced that this year’s AQE test will not proceed on 27 February.

    The relative merits and demerits of this decision will now be discussed ad nauseam on the news and social media. Everyone will have an opinion.

    Your emotions are no doubt going into meltdown and rightly so. Feelings of anger, of being let down, of being misled, coupled with an overwhelming sense of uncertainty and confusion. And I, along with every primary school principal and Year 7 teacher across the land, share your frustration and understand your anguish.
    However, our number one priority as parents and teachers remains unchanged; the emotional health and wellbeing of our Yr7 pupils.
    I am sure you will agree that their resilience in all of this debacle stands in marked contrast to the dithering ineptitude of those in authority. They have been superb and you, as parents, along with Miss Daly, have played a massive part in sustaining a sense of calm in the midst of troubled waters.

    This decision has cleared away one element of uncertainty away; there will be no transfer test this year and was perhaps to be expected.

    As a result, grammar schools will have to come up with an alternative mechanism for securing the transfer of our Yr7 pupils into Yr8. This is their responsibility, and I am sure that they will act quickly to publish new and fair admissions criteria.

    Clearly, this is a time of great uncertainty for everyone, not least our Yr7 children. We must therefore lay aside our anger and meet our first duty as parents and teachers and provide the straight-talking and reassurance that our children will need today and, in the weeks ahead.

    We need to talk things through with them; that is the least they deserve at this time. You don’t need to have all the answers; none of us do. Just knowing that you are open, listening, understanding and supporting them will mean a lot.

    Remind them of the massive impact Covid-19 has had on all of our lives. Face masks and social distancing are the norm. Social events, including all exams have been cancelled across the UK. Their situation is not unique.

    They need to know that the confused emotions they are experiencing just now are normal. They have been messed about. It’s okay for them to feel confused, upset and angry. It is also okay for them to express their feelings.

    They are going to ask, ‘What now?’ 

    Truthfully, we do not know precisely what will happen. It is okay to admit that.

    We can reassure them that a system for transfer will be found. Just as a solution was found for GCSEs and A-Levels. A solution will be found.

    We can reassure those children who hoped to apply for a grammar school place that the same number of grammar school places exists and that all of those places will be filled. 

    We should be open and honest with our children and explain that, in any given year, a significant number of children do not get into their first-choice school. They will already understand that. Nearly all of those children who are not accepted into their first-choice school experience initial disappointment but go on to commit and enjoy success in another school. This will be the case this year.
    We can reassure them that come September this whole sorry debacle will be behind them. They will have completed their primary education and will be ready to embark on a new journey in sporting a new school blazer, new school badge and shiny shoes. Ready for new challenges, new achievements and new friendships.

    For some the transition to secondary education will be seamless, for others the path will be rocky, but they will all reach destination Yr8. 

    You can talk to them about the personal resilience and character they have demonstrated through 3 periods of school closure and the myriad restrictions of lockdown. They have been brilliant. They have developed new skills and new ways of expressing their personalities and talents. We can remind them that they have developed character in adversity and with the support of family and friends they can and will face the uncertain days ahead. 

    They also need to understand that while they may prefer a certain school, or type of school, bricks and mortar do not determine life chances. No matter the name over the door, the teachers are trained in the same colleges and the curriculum followed and exams taken are largely the same. The biggest determinant in a child’s success both now and in the future is their own personal motivation, drive and determination. The colour of a blazer or emblem on a badge does not and must not define our children. 

    As promised, Katie, our school counsellor, will be joining Miss Daly and our Yr7s on a zoom meeting this Thursday to help the children to think about their feelings. She is an experienced counsellor and compassionate human being and I know this time will be helpful for the boys and girls. Please make sure they tune in.

    Essentially, this decision changes everything but changes nothing. Yes, our task as Year 7 parents and teachers is more difficult today than it was yesterday, but we have no other option than to dust ourselves down and up our game, again!

    In truth, from personal experience as a father, teacher and principal, the biggest confidence boost we can give to our children is that they know we are there for them come thick and thin, rain or shine. We are there for them, we will pick them up when it goes wrong, we will hold them close and they have our unconditional love. With that knowledge, they can and will meet the challenges of 2021 with some degree of confidence.

    R Greer

  • Staying Connected

    Tue 12 Jan 2021

    Staying Connected; Strengthening Relationships During Lockdown

    The importance of maintaining good mental health and emotional well-being during this current period of lockdown cannot be overstated.

    As part of the children's weekly timetable of remote learning our teachers will be sharing activities related to mental health and emotional wellbeing.

    The following presentation has been adapted from Action Mental Health materials. It's nothing new, and it's not rocket science; but it is important that we all give some fresh consideration to its main ideas. Click here to view.

    I hope you find it helpful.



  • Online Spelling Quiz

    Tue 12 Jan 2021

    Fancy yourself as a weather forecaster?

    Try out our first online spelling quiz.

    Click submit to send in your answers


  • A Frosty Moneyreagh

    Sat 09 Jan 2021
    Click here to see Mark Rowan's amazing footage of Moneyreagh Village this morning!
  • Nursery & Year 1 Admissions Information Correction

    Fri 08 Jan 2021


    The EA Admissions Portal for Nursery and Year 1 applications opened on 7th January.

    The attached link will take you to the Education Authority website where you can watch a short video which will take you through the process.

    Applications are to be made online on the EA website.

    Paper copies may be requested from the EA.

    The closing date for applications is 29th January at midday.

    Prospective parents should view the admissions criteria of all of schools/nurseries they are interested in.

    Please select at least four schools/settings in order of preference

    The application will require you to upload documentation e.g. Birth Certificates and verification of eldest/only child and address etc.

    All documentation should be uploaded digitally online with your application.

    It is recommended that parents choose to use CHROME when applying.

    Documents must be uploaded by midday on 5th February.

    Please ensure you remove any sensitive data, such as bank account numbers and sort codes etc.

    Parents ticking social disadvantage will receive a separate email to upload benefit verification documents.

    Best wishes for your application and thank you for your interest in our wee school and nursery.

  • To All Moneyrea Parents

    Wed 06 Jan 2021

    From the 6th January 2021, Moneyrea Primary and Nursery School is closed.


    The DE has determined, in light of growing concerns about the spread of Covid-19, that all primary schools and nurseries should temporarily close with school settings instructed ‘to provide remote learning at home to their pupils rather than face-to-face teaching in school’.


    Regrettably, Moneyrea Primary and Nursery School is CLOSED until Monday 22 February.

    ALL parents should now endeavour to make provision to keep their children at home. Children should NOT be in school. THE SAFEST PLACE FOR CHILDREN IS IN THEIR OWN HOMES, within their own family bubble.


    The DE has made exceptions, where no alternative provision is available for:

    (a) the children of keyworkers,

    (b) children who have statements of additional needs,

    (c) vulnerable children.

    If you can make no alternative provision and meet any of the criteria listed above, you may apply for a place for your child/children using the Microsoft Form at the end of this post.

    This form must be submitted online by 8.00pm on Sunday to ensure we have appropriate supervision levels in place.

    Where children have serious underlying health concerns they should NOT be in school, whether they meet the criteria or not.

    Parents should also note that as teachers will be providing remote learning they will not be involved in any supervised learning in school. This supervision will be provided by our classroom assistants; it does not include active teaching.


    All mitigations previously in place from September remain in force e.g. hand washing, sanitising, maintaining bubbles, wearing of face masks (adults), social distancing etc. My duty of care extends to all of our pupils and all of our staff and everyone coming onto our school campus.

    Children attending school are required to wear their school uniform.

    The DE has determined, as of this morning, that school meals will not be available. Parents of children entitled to Free School Meals will receive remuneration. Consequently, all children attending school must bring a packed lunch, break and drink.



    All parents are asked to ensure that they are up to speed with Seesaw (Nursery – Yr6) and Google Classroom (Yr7) and regularly check messages uploaded by our teachers.

    Teachers will make clear what work should be submitted via Seesaw or GC. They will not be marking or providing feedback on every piece of work set.

    Teachers will provide a daily timetable of remote learning activities. It is important that all core activities are completed (reading, spelling, comprehension and maths)

    Hard copies of pupils’ work and reading books will be available for collection on Friday afternoons, commencing this Friday, from the children’s classrooms between 1.00pm and 3.00pm from your eldest child’s classroom.

    Please ensure reading books are returned on time as we have a limited no. of copies of each book.

    Please be patient with staff as they get Remote Learning up and running.


    I would respectfully ask that parents avoid swamping teachers with minor queries, this can become very time-consuming. As previously stated, teachers will endeavour to respond to important messages received before 6.00pm, but will not respond to messages or emails in the evenings or at weekends.

    Should an emergency situation arise, I may be contacted at 02890 448443, on the school mobile at 07786 547311.

    Parents should also be aware that we retain the services of our school counsellor should the need arise.


    OUR ROLE :

    Our role over the next six weeks will be to bring a degree of clarity, stability and calm by ensuring:

    - parents are kept informed of developments;

    - pupils have access to work packs, remote online learning and a daily timetable;

    - we monitor pupil engagement with remote learning;

    - we monitor pupil wellbeing;

    - parents have a means of contacting teachers/school;

    Whilst we are saddened by this latest closure and bewildered by the incompetence of those in high places, we remain committed to helping our pupils and their families through this next difficult phase. As I said back in March, we know that the sun will rise again and Moneyrea will return to some measure of normality.


    Finally, I wish all of our families: good physical and emotional health and resilience of spirit. We are heartened to know that our school family is surrounded by the prayers of men and women of faith in our community. Look out for each other; our community still needs everyone to step up to the plate. Together, we are stronger.

    R Greer
