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  • Free CrossFit Classes Continue

    Tue 09 Feb 2021



    Tuesday afternoon on Zoom. Same codes as last week.


    We are really excited to announce that Jonny Pedlow of Equip CrossFit has scheduled four weeks of free CROSSFIT exercise classes for our pupils.

    The children don't need any specialist equipment but will benefit from wearing a sports/pe kit.

    The classes are free and will run for four consecutive Tuesday afternoons.

    Yrs 1 - 3 from 2.00pm - 2.40pm

    Yrs 4 - 7 from 3.00pm - 3.40pm

    Logon details will be sent to the parents' Whatsapp groups and on your children's Seesaw account.

    We ask that a parent is in the room with the children during the Zoom class.

    It is also very important that details for the Zoom sessions are not shared outside of our school community.

    This is a fantastic opportunity for our children to enjoy a CrossFit class with their school buddies.

  • Key Worker Application for School Places

    Sat 06 Feb 2021


    8th February - 12th February

    Forms must be received by 6.00pm on Sunday 7th February

  • Eco Warrior Phoebe

    Thu 04 Feb 2021

    When Moneyrea pupil, Phoebe saw the state of the hedgerows and verges around the village she decided to do something about it.Β 

    What an amazing Eco Warrior and example to us all.Β 

    And a big shout out to Angela Megarry who has also taken to the country roads litter-picking.


  • Children’s Mental Health Week

    Thu 04 Feb 2021

    Over the past three weeks, Katie, our school counsellor, has been meeting with the Yr7s via zoom. Together they have had great fun exploring and understanding their emotions and learning some simple ways to look after their emotional well-being.


    Katie will also be facilitating zoom sessions with other classes over the next couple of weeks. I would really encourage all families to permit their children to engage with these sessions. They are great fun, with a purpose.


    There is much greater awareness today of the importance of looking after our mental health.Β 


    This doesn’t need to be complicated. Just like exercise, a balanced diet and sleep promote physical health there are simple things we can do to promote mental health and well-being.


    Check out the posters below. They provide a few simple ideas that you can begin to build into your week to help your children maintain good mental health during lockdown.


    I hope you find them helpful.

  • National Museums NI

    Wed 03 Feb 2021

    Looking for creative and educational ways to entertain the kids? Look no further than National Museums NI's NEW Museums For Kids hub!

    Carefully curated by our Education Team, check out our online resources and activities to keep young minds busy. Learn about the wonderful world of elements with our Senior Curator of Natural Sciences. Create masterpieces inspired by our collections. Explore nature amongst the great outdoors, and solve activities whilst getting crafty.

    Click here to get started

  • Post Primary School Admissions Criteria Published

    Tue 02 Feb 2021

    Dear Yr7 Parents

    The EA published all admissions criteria for post-primary secondary and grammar schools this morning.

    These can be accessed at



    I have read through the admissions criteria for the schools that generally come up as choices for our pupils and collated them onto a grid.

    This grid will be emailed to Yr7 parents today.

    This will hopefully provide some initial guidance for you.

    However, you are still strongly advised to closely check all criteria for yourself.

    In addition, where schools request letters of verification these will be supplied by myself.

    You now have the month of February to reflect upon these criteria and to consider how particular schools may best meet the needs of your child.Β 

    As previously stated: stay calm, do your research, keep the children calm; we will get through this.Β 

    I will arrange a zoom call with all Yr7 parents later in the month to discuss the online application process which opens on 1 March.

    Hope this is helpful.

