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Children’s Mental Health Week

Over the past three weeks, Katie, our school counsellor, has been meeting with the Yr7s via zoom. Together they have had great fun exploring and understanding their emotions and learning some simple ways to look after their emotional well-being.


Katie will also be facilitating zoom sessions with other classes over the next couple of weeks. I would really encourage all families to permit their children to engage with these sessions. They are great fun, with a purpose.


There is much greater awareness today of the importance of looking after our mental health. 


This doesn’t need to be complicated. Just like exercise, a balanced diet and sleep promote physical health there are simple things we can do to promote mental health and well-being.


Check out the posters below. They provide a few simple ideas that you can begin to build into your week to help your children maintain good mental health during lockdown.


I hope you find them helpful.
