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Re-Opening Moneyrea

We finally received the Minister’s update on school opening this morning; all 71 pages.

Following a review of this revised information, we will issue emails to all parents containing new information about how we plan to reopen as safely as possible.

We plan to send these emails out by Monday at the latest.

I can confirm a couple of changes/ important elements:

1. All classes start back on Wednesday 26th of August.

2. Nursery and Yr1 follow a phased return, as we do each year.

3. We are off on the 31st August for the Bank Holiday.

4. After School Club recommences on the 1st September for registered pupils.

5. Pupils will be required to wear school uniform

6. All children, including those entitled to Free School Meals, will have packed lunches in their classrooms

7. Children will use external classroom doors to enter and exit their classrooms. Hence there is no necessity for staggered arrivals or pickups.

8. Temperatures will be taken on arrival. We would ask parents to take their children’s temperatures before travelling to school each day.

Children who are showing symptoms at home or who are sick, must not come to school.

9. Parents will not be allowed to enter the school buildings.

10.Breakfast Club will not be available for the first few weeks

11. Classes will operate as ‘protective bubbles’, with minimal mixing with other class ‘bubbles’.

12. Break and lunchtimes will be staggered to maintain ‘protective bubbles’.

13.Hand washing, catch it bin it kill it, sanitiser, regular cleaning, ventilation etc. will form an important part of our keeping each other safe strategy.

14. Homework will be suspended until mid-September. (With the exception of Yr7)

15. Our initial focus will be on our pupils’ emotional health and well-being and beginning some catchup in literacy and numeracy.

Thank you for your patience as we try to find the best way forward for our staff and pupils.

Greater detail will be contained in the email so I would ask that parents delay asking questions until the full information has been sent out.

I hope this summary is helpful.

Looking forward to seeing all of our pupils during the last week in August and of course our Yr7s from the 17th - 21st for AQE Revision Classes.

R Greer
