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Ministerial Announcement Imminent

It looks highly likely that the Minister of Education will announce school closures by the weekend.

In this event please make good use of the initial packs which were sent home. This work should take the children up to the Easter break.

The teachers are also preparing further worksheets and workbooks which will be available for collection. We will confirm when these packs are to be picked up.

Staff are currently preparing additional work online which should be completed during the last two weeks in April.

This work can be accessed on the Class Pages on the school website:Β .

The work is allocated to each month and is then subdivided into Maths, Literacy and World Around Us. It is then subdivided into weeks.

This work is not complete. Teachers will be adding to their class pages during the extended closure.

In addition, they will be posting links to websites, Apps, video clips and further support materials.

They will also include suggestions for more creative and practical activities.

Teachers will also provide a contact email should you require further advice. Please use this wisely.

We will be doing our best to support parents and pupils during the difficult days ahead.
