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Mental Health Week Activities

Yr6 Collaborative learning activity and Past and Future Growth.

Yr4 Children worked together on this collaborative poster today. They've also written kind deeds on hearts which will be glued on on Monday.

Yr1 have been learning to recognise their emotions and what situations may cause them to feel a certain way.

After watching 'Inside Out' they drew pictures to show their feelings.

Yr7 celebrated the theme of Growing Together for Childrens' Mental Health Week by exploring the topics of Amazing Me, Emotional Growth Goals and Celebrating Me. They viewed celebrity growth stories and participated in group discussions and produced pieces of work on these themes.

Yr5 Well being activity - exploring how we support each other to grow together - the children designed their hot air balloons to think about their support network and how this can help to lift you up.

Yr5 also took photos in a well being activity to help them take notice of the world around them - they were looking at macro photography and using perspective.
