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Update - Thursday 19th March

School is officially closed to pupils as of Monday 23rdΒ March 2020. However, much confusion remains.

To date schools have not been provided with substantive information from the DE as to the way ahead.

Questions still exist regarding free school meal provision, schedules of work for pupils, staff deployment, skeleton or hub schools for the children of front-line staff and vulnerable children, as well as uncertainty surrounding exams at GCSE / A Level etc.

These are unprecedented times, and whilst we are angered at the slow and inadequate response of the Department for Education and Education Authority, we wish the Minister wisdom, good counsel and success in the days ahead; if he wins the day, our children win the day!

Our role at Moneyrea PS will be to bring a degree of clarity stability and calm by ensuring :

- our parents are kept informed of developments;
- our pupils have access to work schedules;
- our parents have a means of contacting teachers;

We remain committed to our pupils and their families. I am so proud of the efforts of our staff over the past couple of weeks; they have been amazing. I/we are truly blessed.

We are saddened but not downcast; we know that the sun will rise again and that Moneyrea PS will return to some measure of normality.

We feel for our amazing Year 7s, who are missing out on their school show, their Young Enterprise projects, Leavers' Assembly, Sports Day, Loch Insh residential, their Leavers' hoodies, signing each others polo-shirts and their last day hooley! Rest assured we will find a special way of celebrating your time at Moneyrea!

To our families we wish you all: good health, resilience of spirit and soundness of mind.

Finally, we are heartened to know that our school community is surrounded by the prayers of men and women of faith in our community.

Look out for each other; our community needs everyone to step up to the plate. Together we are stronger.
