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Information for Parents

We have set aside Monday 22nd June for parents to collect child(ren)’s personal belongings and books.

We would also ask that reading books, library books and any sports kit is returned at this time.

We will collect old uniform for charity later in the first term.

Any cups/trophies/awards from last year’s Leavers’ Assembly should be returned to the school office at this time.

To ensure the smooth operation of the handover please adhere to the following guidelines:

· One adult collecting per family.

· Do not enter the school building.

· Please adhere to social distancing.

· Go to your child’s collection point as directed below.

· Collections must be made in the allocated time slots.

· If you have more than one child go to your eldest child’s collection point in their allocated time slot.

Nursery 9.15am – 10.15am Nursery

(please remain at Nursery gates until called forward)

Yr1 9.15am – 10.15am Assembly hall doors

Yr2 10.30am – 11.30am Yr 2 fire exit

(enter through staff carpark)

Yr3 11.45am – 12.45pm Assembly hall doors

Yr4 1.00pm – 2.00pm Yr4 fire exit (main playground)

Yr5 11.45am – 12.45pm Yr5 fire exit (main playground)

Yr6 10.30am – 11.30am Yr6 fire exit (main playground)

Yr7 1.00pm – 2.00pm Yr7 fire door (main playground)

Staff will leave books and belongings etc. on a table for parents to pick up. Please wait to be called forward.

If you are collecting more than one child’s belongings, we will bring your younger child’s items to your older child’s pick up point.

Lost property will be placed on tables near to the main gates (weather permitting)!

PLEASE - Remember to social distance at all times and remain patient as staff will be working in small numbers and also adhering to social distancing, so it may take time to get your child’s belongings to you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.

R Greer
